Lead Abatement Supervisor

Hybrid Class
Course Price Quantity
Lead Abatement Supervisor (4-day class)
1. Zoom Class:
Instructor: Nick
Aug. 9 - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
2. Zoom Class:
Instructor: Kate
Aug. 12 - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
3. Zoom Class:
Instructor: Kate
Aug. 14 - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Please select ONE of the following in-person date locations:
In-Person Class:
Instructor: Kate
Aug. 13 - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: Community Center in Jericho - 329 Browns Trace Rd, Jericho, VT
In-Person Class:
Instructor: Nick
Aug. 13 - 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Location: Homebuilders - 119 Airport Rd, Concord, NH

This Lead Abatement Supervisor training provides information on lead-based paint abatement and regulatory guidelines for those individuals that will plan and/or oversee lead abatement work. The course focuses on essential abatement procedures including site preparation, contract planning, project management, abatement implementation and record-keeping.

A certified Lead Abatement Supervisor can perform all of the duties that a Lead Worker can, and additionally a Supervisor is responsible for occupant safety during the abatement process and for writing the abatement plan. At least one certified Lead Abatement Supervisor must be assigned to a lead abatement job.

Abatement is any set of measures designed to permanently eliminate lead-based paint hazards. Abatement work that is not conducted by a certified Lead Supervisors and Lead Workers is subject to heavy fines by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or applicable Authorized State Lead Program.

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for anyone who will be responsible for supervising or performing lead abatement work, including:

  1. General Contractors
  2. Roofing Contractors
  3. Demolition Contractors
  4. Renovation Contractors
  5. Flooring Contractors
  6. Siding Contractors
  7. Supervisors/Foremen
  8. Project Managers
  9. Laborers

Requirements for Successful Course Completion:

  1. Ability to Read, Understand and Speak English Language
  2. Attend entire course in consecutive days
  3. Pass a written, multiple choice exam

Please Note: Your state may have detailed education, experience and application processing requirements to qualify for licensing in the Lead field. Students are responsible to verify these requirements prior to registering for a course. There are numerous reciprocity agreements with EPA and other states with authorized lead-based paint programs. Your state may accept training for certification programs from those training providers accredited by EPA or other state authorized programs. Because requirements and reciprocity agreements are subject to change, it is strongly recommended that you contact your state's lead program before registering for training.

Course Objectives

  1. To protect workers and residents, especially children, from possible lead contamination.
  2. To obtain a clear understanding of the importance in minimizing and controlling the generation of lead particles and lead dust when performing renovation, remodeling, painting, rehabilitation and maintenance functions.
  3. To obtain a clear understanding of tools, systems and techniques required to control dust accumulation.
  4. To understand in full the EPA rules and regulations regarding the disruption of lead-based paint during renovation, remodeling, and rehabilitation.
Read a full overview of the RRP Rule

Lead Abatement Supervisor Course Overview

  • Worker Protection and Safety
  • Health Effects of Lead Exposure & Medical Surveillance
  • Occupant Protection
  • Clean-Up and Clearance
  • Waste Disposal
  • Residence and Community Relations
  • Regulatory Aspects of Lead Abatement
  • Lead Abatement Techniques
  • Use of XRF Paint Analyzers by Lead Inspectors
  • How to Interpret a Lead Inspection and Risk Assessment Report
  • How to Write an Abatement Final Report
  • Legal and Insurance Issues
  • Worker Training
Certificates Same day as course completion
STATE REQUIREMENTS (Lead Abatement Supervisor Certification Initial)
Individual Prerequisites 1-year experience as certified lead abatement worker, OR 2-years experience in building trades or related field
Accrediting Body New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Individual App Requirements $125 annually
Individual Exam And Fees Third party exam. If not already received in a previous application, provide proof of receiving a score of 70 or greater on a third party examination (Testing is offered every third Friday of the month at 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH. Call 603-271-4719 to schedule).
Company Application Requirements $300 annually
Refresher Training Refresher training is required annually.
Reciprocity There are numerous reciprocity agreements with EPA and other states with authorized lead-based paint programs. Your state may accept training for certification programs from those training providers accredited by EPA or other state authorized programs. Because reciprocity agreements are subject to change, it is strongly recommended that you contact your state's accrediting body before taking training from an outside source.
Please note that these details are provided for informational purposes only. Consult with your local state or regulatory body to confirm your requirements for your specific situation. Nothing on this website constitutes, or is meant to constitute, advice of any kind. It is simply a database of publicly available information that is meant to assist with research on certain topics but is no way guaranteed as complete or free of error.